Building a safer Victoria: Loddon Prison expansion

Due to be completed in the middle of 2014, the new 236-bed Loddon Prison Facility is the first stage of the overall $76 million upgrade and expansion underway at Loddon.
The new facility will represent a new type of security classification – restricted minimum – sitting outside the existing prison walls, but with its own secure perimeter.
Loddon Prison currently accommodates medium-security male prisoners serving mainly medium and long-term sentences for a range of offences. It also accommodates some prisoners with disability or other complex needs.
Working with Kane Constructions, Ansa Doors has successfully tendered for the supply and installation of a range of door products that include both commercial and industrial roller shutters.
Loddon opened in August 1990 as a replacement for the old Castlemaine Gaol, which originally opened in 1861 to service the goldfields and surrounding towns.